Your life is full of connections.
In this episode, I explain how decluttering helps with those connections.
Connections to;
1 Your stuff
When you clear out the stuff you don’t want in your life, you start to build better relationships with the stuff you do have. You respect your belongings more, you appreciate what you have and what those items represent in your life. You’re more intentional with what you keep and why you keep those items.
2 Others
Clearing out the relationships that no longer bring you joy and happiness, rather they suck you of your energy, connects you closer to the relationships that are good for you (and visa versa). This includes personal, business, social media, etc.
3 Globally
As you build a better connection towards yourself, your relationships, your business, you create a global effect. Clearing out what’s not working for you, brings an energetic shift as you raise your own awareness and vibration.
4 Yourself
This is the most important and most profound connection decluttering has. Clearing anything that you do not want, brings you closer to what you do want and who you are at your core. You start to see things on a different level. You appreciate yourself and what you’re here to do. You understand that you are here to do bigger and better things, that you came here to make an impact.
When life challenges you, it changes you.
These connections help you through challenges and leaning on the people (including Source/ your higher self) in your life allows you to navigate these changes to grow stronger and wiser. It’s not always going to be pretty, but it will be worth it.
I promise.
If you have any questions or need someone to lean on please reach out to me at or you can join my Facebook Group.
Episode Timestamps
[1:28] You start respecting the things you do have in your life.
[5:04] The connections I’m getting are for where I’m going, not where I’ve been.
[8:03] When you start to clear out those three, you change you and the connection to you.
[11:01] That it was for a bigger purpose!
[13:58] It’s the connections that help us through those hard times.

Heather Clark, Declutter Expert
Helping you navigate the change by decluttering your MIND | BODY | SOUL | HOME.
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